“I Don’t Know You, But I Love You.”
Francisco Antonio German de Jesus is an adorable old man, around 72 years old, he’s not absolutely certain. He doesn’t have many belongings but does happen to have newsboy hats in every color. In his small wooden home surrounded by cacao trees he is the sole resident. He told me that his wife died 13 years ago and he never remarried, she was his first and last love.
After her passing, he carried the weight of working his cacao farm and collecting water to care for himself and keep the house clean. He said the water project BLUE constructed in his town alleviated so much of this burden. Instead of spending a whole day at the river, he can wash his clothes at home.
“I don’t really know you guys, but I love you. How could I not? You didn’t know me and you’re taking care of me. First with running water and now, a bathroom.”
He admitted that his life hasn’t been easy but that he is grateful even through his lonely days. Before leaving, he gave me the biggest hug and kept waving as I walked away. It was the look old people give you when they don’t want you to leave them alone again.