The Drop: Franco

In the week I spent at La Jaguita, I saw the same boy come up the street with his horse every day, twice a day. The horse was hauling big jerry cans full of water. The boy was very shy and looked away when I waved at him as he walked by. 

One day, I caught him at the river filling the large containers with water he scooped up from the ankle-deep current. I wanted to know more about him but I didn’t want to make him uncomfortable so instead of asking to interview him, I asked if I could interview his horse. He let his guard down long enough to let out a bright smile and nodded his head in approval. 

I asked the horse a few questions, our videographer, Danny, answered in his best horse-voice. Papito, the horse, said he was tired of carrying water every day. A few giggles escaped the boy as he continued to fill the containers. I then turned my questions to him and found out that his name was Franco and that he spent a lot of his time at this river collecting water. He surprised me by sharing a deep sentiment, “When the project is done, I’m never collecting water again.” Him and Papito would be free from this chore.  

The next day, I saw him walking up the street again with Papito, containers in tow. I called out his name and he waved back with a big smile, we both knew these walks were numbered. 


The Drop: Sandra


The Drop: Santa