The Strays of Hermosa Beach.
The strays of Hermosa live a better life than you and me. I promise.
In unlikely packs of mixed breeds, they roam the shore in search of the perfect stick. They pounce in circles, playing and chasing each other, sporting a smile more visible then a middle schooler who just got his braces taken off. The coast is their playground. The ocean, their pool. Exhausted from a day's romping, they lie together in a shady spot under the palms. You won't believe me, but they actually set their gaze on the horizon and watch the sky change colors with the setting sun.
Belonging and fun. That's all they have and that's all they need.
You might still feel a pang of pity for their lack of an owner, but in lacking they have gained it all. They are owned by none. They know a freedom we never will. We are chained by everything we try to own.
Why do we muddle a simple existence with so many complexities? Belonging and fun that's all we need.